SSLC Percentage Calculator

To find the SSLC percentage, Type the number of A+,A,B+... you got and click "Show result" to get the result.

Grade input
Classic input
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Why are there two percentages?

It is impossible to calculate the exact percentage from grade, since each grade represents a range of possible percentages which is what we are finding here.
The first percentage given is the lowest possible while the second is the highest possible percentage. Your actual percentage is somewhere in between, including these percentages.
For example, if you got 86%-96% that means either you got 86% or 96% or somewhere in between.
If you want the exact percentage, read this.

Why is it showing an error?

If the total number of subjects entered is not equal to ten, it will show an error.
This is deliberately put in because the site is build for examinations with 10 subjects and showing an error when not is the case will help prevent mistakes in input.

How is it Calculated?

Each grade on a subject means that you have got a certain range of percentage. A+ means your percentage is in between 90 and 100. The Table of all grades and their associated percentage is given below:

Grade Percentage
A+ 90 - 100
A 80 - 89
B+ 70 - 79
B 60 - 69
C+ 50 - 59
C 40 - 49
D+ 30 - 39
D 20 - 29
E 20 and below

So, if a student got full A+, then their percentage is in between 90 and 100. That's straightforward.Similar is the case if one gets full A or full B; you can just look at this table and find out.

But what if some got 8 A+ and 2 A ?

Assume Each subject is in 100 marks. So the total mark is in $100 \times 10 = 1000 $

Since A+ means 90%-100%, the mark is in between 90 and 100 let's first take the highest possibility (A+ =100,A = 90,...) $$8 A+ = 8 \times 100$$ $$2 A = 2 \times 90 $$

Therefore total marks is : $$8 \times 100 + 2 \times 90 $$ $$= 980$$

Then the percentage is $$\frac{980}{1000} = 98% $$

Similarly, taking the lowest possibility(A+=90,A=80,..) $$8 A+ = 8 \times 90$$ $$2 A = 2 \times 80 $$

Therefore total marks is : $$8 \times 90 + 2 \times 80 $$ $$= 880$$

Then the percentage is $$\frac{880}{1000} = 88% $$

Therefore, the percentage is in between 88 and 98

How to get exact percentage?

if you have your marks,you can get the accurate percentage as: $$\textnormal{Percentage=}\frac{\textnormal{marks obtained}}{\textnormal{Total marks}} \times 100$$
But your marks are not usually given with your SSLC result. So, to get them you have to "Demand Draft" for it from pareekshabhavan or apply for marklist online

Frequently asked questions

How much is my percentage if I have got full A+?

Your percentage is in between 90% and 100%. To get an accurate result, you will have to do as said above.Apply for the mark list and find percentage from that.




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